Weekly Prayer

God of creation,

As followers of Jesus and members of His body, we recognize and condemn Christian Nationalism and the role its harmful ideology has played in enchanting some in the Church which culminated in the violent, racist, anti-American insurrection at the United States Capitol. We recognize the damage done by radicalized Christian Nationalism in the world, the church, and in the lives of individuals and communities. We will seek to repair and heal the wounds of the past. We seek racial justice on a personal, ecclesial, and systemic level. We seek to support organizations led by people of color. We will listen to and amplify the voices of people of faith who have been marginalized by the colonizing force of white supremacy and Christian Nationalism. Our faith will not allow us to remain silent at such a time as this. We seek courage and strength from you to speak against it and usher your people back into a Kingdom ethic that honors and glorifies you and leads people to Jesus.

In Jesus’s name we pray. Amen.

Adapted from: SayNoToChristianNationalism.org

Principles associated with Christian Nationalism to consider
  • Marrying Patriotism with our Religion
  • Demanding Religious Liberty while Refusing it to Others
  • Rejection of Religious Pluralism in Pursuit of a “Nation Under God”
  • Giving Equal Weight to the US Constitution as to the Word of God
  • Proclaiming America as the new Promised land and solely responsible for the Mission of Christ

March 15

Reading: Proverbs 30:5-6

Reflection: In what ways have we treated the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence with the same level of divine sacredness as the Bible and the creeds of our Christian faith?

March 16

Reading: Hebrews 11

Reflection: In what ways do we revere the founding fathers of our nation and our preferred presidents with the same level of reverence as the Holy Apostles and the Saints of the church? Do we know more about the former than we do the latter?

March 17

Reading: 1 Peter 2:9-10

Reflection: In what ways have we treated America as having the same level of urgent mission and calling as Christ’s exclusive call has upon the church in the world?

March 18

Reading: Matthew 16:24

Reflection: In what ways do we treat the American flag with the same level of reverence, even in our places of Christian worship, as the cross?

March 19

Reading: Romans 12:2

Reflection: Ultimately, in what ways have we defined our allegiance to our nation as the same as our allegiance to Christ and His kingdom?


Website: Say No To Christian Nationalism
Website: Christians Against Christian Nationalism
Article: What is Christian Nationalism
Article: Evangelical Leaders Condemn ‘Radicalized Christian Nationalism’